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THQ World Supercross GP/THQ AMA Supercross Series (Clear Channel Entertainment -- Motor Sports) Sat Feb 12 2005

Sat February 12 2005


Practice: 12:30 P.M.
Show: 7:00 P.M.

Ticket prices:
$35.00 "Gold Circle" (All seating in the lower level)*
$25.00 "Midlevel" (Aisles 307-320 & 332-345)*
$10.00 "Treadhead" (Aisle 345-307 & 320-332)
Children 2 years and under admitted free

HRCA Discount Coupons for 20% the Gold Circle Seating and Mid Level Seating. (Discount not available for Treadhead seats.)

Tickets available at the RCA Dome Ticket Office, all Ticketmaster locations, charge by phone at 317-239-5151, and online at

Pre-sale online at starting July 24 through July 30.

On sale starting July 31st to general public at all Ticketmaster locations, charge-by-phone at 317-239-5151, online at, or the RCA Dome Ticket Office.

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